The GuestQuiZMAster (GQM): Suman Doogar
About the QuiZMaster: She is "a simple and docile girl from the ‘Land of Mighty Bengal‘". A blogger and a quizzer by choice. Teacher and psychologist by profession.
Q1. Preceded by Swaroop Sampat and succeeded by Ruchita Kumar, this Miss India first came into limelight with her famous Vicco Turmeric cream advertisement. Known by the name Ayesha she is married to a Muslim and both of them runs a company named after them. Identify this lady who was unable to establish herself in Bollywood even after her stint of 16 movies.
Q2. X is the Friday-to-Friday star. Chubby cheeked, round eyes, winking at you from the corner of the eye. For more than 30 years, X has kept the fan following intact due to which the Guinness Book of World Records honored X as the longest running ad campaign ever. The birth of X is due to Y. Name X and Y.
Q3. Who doesn’t know SavitaBhabhi, the infamous fictional animated homemaker, who gathered much popularity for her sex life. The government did play a spoilsport in 2009 by banning the actual site, yet the fans saw a reincarnation of the website. Name the site where you can still catch her naughty antics. (Sitter)
Q4. In France, theyare called Robinsons whereas the Londoners referred to them as Hanways.In 1813 Arthur Wellesley put a stop in the military from the use of it.Later a journal named Punch suggested the troops should have these attached to their guns for personal protection.Churchill also put a ban to their manufacturing during the world war-2 to which ‘The Times’ remarked that the one of the freedom for which we are fighting is the freedom to make them without permission.Name thisobject that has become a fashion accessory in recent times?
Q5. Connect.